J-Screen is an expert at providing pre-employment screening background checks in Japan and Korea. With over 14 years in-country industry experience the owners and managers of J-Screen have assisted many of the world’s leading multi-national companies implement comprehensive and cost effective screening programs into their Japanese and Korean business operations since 1999. Whilst crime rates in North Asia generally remain steady, candidates often take advantage of the trust-based culture to falsify or embellish their résumés. For example, in Japan and Korea we have found that over 1 in 8 of all applicants provide inaccurate or dishonest information, such as fictitious employers or qualifications, or have problems relating to indebtedness, criminal history, poor employment record or dishonesty. The discovery of falsifications not only highlights the obvious discrepancy, but also highlights possible dishonesty on the part of the candidate, something that today’s companies can ill-afford.
Pre-screening promotes a safe and profitable workplace and is an effective risk management tool that has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of a bad hire. North Asian labor laws are generally weighted heavily in favor of the employee, who once hired can be difficult and expensive to fire. Pre-employment screening mitigates the risk of employing bad hires resulting in reduced costs over the long term.
J-Screen managers have years of experience successfully running some of the largest pre-employment background screening programs in Asia and have the knowledge, resources, competence, management and expertise to cost effectively manage your company’s background screening program.
All J-Screen background checks are conducted ethically, with the consent of the candidate and in strict compliance with local privacy legislation. Details of the candidate’s previous employment history, claimed educational qualifications and professional licenses are verified directly with the respective institutions. References can also be taken from previous supervisors to obtain details of a candidate’s performance and skill set within the relevant organization. We have a wide range of language capabilities including Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Bahasa and others enabling us to conduct verifications throughout Asia.
Employment – All employment records are checked directly with the HR department to confirm the subject’s factual employment details, including dates of employment, position, salary and reason for leaving.
Educational Qualification – All claimed educational qualifications are confirmed directly with the University concerned. Checks are also conducted against lists of known diploma mills or suspect online universities to ensure that the institution is fully accredited.
Professional Qualification – All claimed professional qualifications are verified directly with the relevant association.
References – References can also be obtained from supervisors or nominated referees covering performance, duties, strengths, weaknesses, integrity and more. The scope of the interview can be tailored to the client’s specific requirements.